--- swagger: "2.0" info: x-ibm-name: orders title: Orders version: 1.0.0 description: "" schemes: - https basePath: /v1 consumes: - application/json produces: - application/json securityDefinitions: oauth2: type: oauth2 description: "" flow: accessCode scopes: Fulfillment_Returns: "" authorizationUrl: https://connect.supplychain.fedex.com/api/fsc/oauth2/authorize tokenUrl: https://connect.supplychain.fedex.com/api/fsc/oauth2/token x-tokenIntrospect: url: https://vp1pmqdp3-v1.genco.com/api/fsc/oauth2/introspect Client_Secret: type: apiKey description: Enter Client Secret in: header name: X-IBM-Client-Secret Client_Id: type: apiKey in: header name: X-IBM-Client-Id description: Enter Client ID security: - oauth2: - Fulfillment_Returns Client_Secret: [] Client_Id: [] x-ibm-configuration: testable: true enforced: true phase: realized paths: /orders: get: responses: 200: description: 200 OK security: - oauth2: - Fulfillment_Returns - Client_Secret: [] Client_Id: [] summary: Get Order description: Retrieves an order or list of orders based on the query parameters provided in the request. parameters: - name: AccessToken type: string required: false in: header description: Enter AccessToken, it is mandatory in case of basic authentication. - name: query_params type: string required: false in: query description: 'Enter all the query parameters. Sample: createdTimestamp=gt|2016-09-21T14:30:59-05:00&responseFilter=All&pageLimit=5' consumes: - application/xml - application/json - text/plain post: responses: 200: description: 200 OK parameters: - name: create_order_json_body required: false in: body schema: type: object description: 'Sample JSON Request. {"order": {"orderNumber": "091167792","orderDate": "2017-01-20T15:12:54-05:00","orderType": "B2C","shipMethod": "FSON","estimatedDeliveryDate": "2017-08-15","shipType": "PCL","salesChannel": "BigCommerce","holdUntilDate": "2017-02-15T00:00:00-05:00","facility": "HFY","freightCost": "23.50","insuranceCost": "10","dutiesAndTaxes": "11.67","alternatePackaging": true,"excludeCollateral": true,"accessorial": ["COA", "SAT"],"destinationAddress": {"name": "James Smith","addressLine1": "100 Papercraft Avenue","addressLine2": "Suite 300","city": "Pittsburgh","stateCode": "PA","zipCode": "15238","countryCode": "US","deliveryType": "R","phoneNumber": "888-787-8888","email": "abc@gmail.com"},"orderNote": [{"noteCode": "NOTES","noteText": "This is a test order"},{"noteCode": "GIFT_FROM","noteText": "Joseph"},{"noteCode": "GIFT_TO","noteText": "Johnson"}, {"noteCode": "GIFT_MSG","noteText": "Happy Birthday!!"}],"line": [{"sku": "003-003-0001111","skuDescripton": "Mens Oxford (Small/Blue/Slim)","orderedQty": "2","unitPrice": "2.56"},{"sku": "005-001-0001","skuDescription": "Fancy T-Shirt","orderedQty": "2","unitPrice": "2.56"}]}}' - name: AccessToken type: string required: false in: header description: Enter AccessToken, it is mandatory in case of basic authentication. description: Creates a new Order for fulfillment within the Fulfillment portal. Once the order is submitted, it will be processed and sent to one or more warehouses for fulfillment based on business rules and inventory availability summary: Create Order security: - oauth2: - Fulfillment_Returns - Client_Secret: [] Client_Id: [] /orders/{fedexOrderId}: put: responses: 200: description: 200 OK summary: Update Order description: Updates an existing Order within the Fulfillment portal. If an order cannot be updated, API call will return an error. parameters: - name: updateorder_json_input required: true in: body schema: type: object description: 'Sample JSON Request:{"order": {"orderNumber": "091167792","orderDate": "2017-01-20T15:12:54-05:00","orderType": "B2C","shipMethod": "FSON","estimatedDeliveryDate": "2017-08-15","shipType": "PCL","salesChannel": "BigCommerce","holdUntilDate": "2017-02-15T00:00:00-05:00","facility": "HFY","freightCost": "23.50","insuranceCost": "10","dutiesAndTaxes": "11.67","alternatePackaging": true,"excludeCollateral": true,"accessorial": ["COA", "SAT"],"destinationAddress": {"name": "James Smith","addressLine1": "100 Papercraft Avenue","addressLine2": "Suite 300","city": "Pittsburgh","stateCode": "PA","zipCode": "15238","countryCode": "US","deliveryType": "R","phoneNumber": "888-787-8888","email": "abc@gmail.com"},"orderNote": [{"noteCode": "NOTES","noteText": "This is a test order"},{"noteCode": "GIFT_FROM","noteText": "Joseph"},{"noteCode": "GIFT_TO","noteText": "Johnson"}, {"noteCode": "GIFT_MSG","noteText": "Happy Birthday!!"}],"line": [{"sku": "003-003-0001111","skuDescripton": "Mens Oxford (Small/Blue/Slim)","orderedQty": "2","unitPrice": "2.56"},{"sku": "005-001-0001","skuDescription": "Fancy T-Shirt","orderedQty": "2","unitPrice": "2.56"}]}}' - name: fedexOrderId type: string required: true in: path description: Enter FedEx Order Id - name: AccessToken type: string required: false in: header description: Enter AccessToken, it is mandatory in case of basic authentication. security: - oauth2: - Fulfillment_Returns - Client_Secret: [] Client_Id: [] /orders/{fedexOrderId}/cancel: post: responses: 200: description: 200 OK summary: Cancel Order description: Cancels an existing order by providing Order Id and the reason for cancelling the order. The order can be cancelled only when the orders is not processed by the fulfillment center. parameters: - name: cancelorder_json_input body required: true in: body schema: type: object description: 'Sample JSON Request.{ "order": { "cancelReasonCode": "CCBR" } }' - name: fedexOrderId type: string required: true in: path description: Enter Fedex Order Id - name: AccessToken type: string required: false in: header description: Enter AccessToken, it is mandatory in case of basic authentication. security: - oauth2: - Fulfillment_Returns - Client_Secret: [] Client_Id: [] tags: [] x-ibm-endpoints: - endpointUrl: https://connect.supplychain.fedex.com/api description: "" type: - production ...