The Inbound Shipments API provides the capability of creating a new shipment, updating a shipment, canceling a shipment and getting a list of shipments or a specific shipment. Once the shipment is created in the system, it will be processed and sent to the warehouse to provide notice to the operations team.
Create Inbound Shipment
This API creates a new inbound shipment within the FedEx fulfillment platform. Once the shipment is submitted, it will be processed and sent to the respective warehouse to provide advance notice to the operations team.
Enter Client Secret
Enter Client ID
Sample Json Request { "externalRefNumber": "32421-1314324-2131", "shipmentName": "FedEx Shipment01", "originFacility": { "facilityName": "My Location 1", "addressLine1": "100 Papercraft Avenue", "addressLine2": "Suite 100", "city": "Pittsburgh", "stateCode": "PA", "zipCode": "15238", "countryCode": "US", "contactName": "John Smith", "contactPhoneCountryCode": "+1", "contactPhone": "2132331222", "contactEmailAddress": "" }, "destinationFacility": { "facilityCode": "HFY" }, "lpns": [ { "lpnType": "C", "lpnName": "Case 1", "numberOfLpns": 10, "customLpnIds": [], "dimension": { "length": 25.6, "width": 45.6, "height": 19 }, "weight": 12, "stackable": true, "lpnDetails": [ { "sku": "Fancy1", "quantity": 20, "batchLotNumber": "A131231", "expireDate": "2017-10-14", "purchaseOrderId": "324324214123421", "purchaseOrderLineItemId": "43532423432432" }, { "sku": "Fancy2", "quantity": 200, "batchlotNumber": null, "expireDate": null, "purchaseOrderId": "324324214123421", "purchaseOrderLineItemId": "43532423432433" } ] }, { "lpnType": "C", "lpnName": "Case 2", "numberOfLpns": 5, "customLpnIds": [ "00000999990000128970", "00000999990000128971", "00000999990000128972", "00000999990000128973", "00000999990000128974" ], "dimension": { "length": 25.6, "width": 45.6, "height": 19 }, "weight": 12, "stackable": true, "lpnDetails": [ { "sku": "Fancy1", "quantity": 500, "batchlotNumber": "A131231", "expireDate": "2017-10-15", "purchaseOrderNumber": "324324214123421", "purchaseOrderLineItemId": "43532423432434" } ] } ], "productLevelServices": [ { "sku": "Fancy1", "serviceLevelCode": "quality_audit_100" }, { "sku": "Fancy1", "serviceLevelCode": "bubble_wrap_small" }, { "sku": "Fancy2", "serviceLevelCode": "dust_bag_small" } ], "shipping": { "fedexManaged": false, "freightShipment": true, "expectedArrivalDate": "2017-07-15", "carrierName": "USPS", "contactName": "Walter White", "phoneCountryCode": "+1", "contactPhone": "2132331222", "trackingBOLNumbers": [ "134324324214242", "324231412342314" ], "pickupDate": "2017-11-01", "pickupStartTime": "11:01", "pickupEndTime": "21:30", "insidePickup": true, "liftGateAtPickup": true, "limitedAccess": false, "palletLpns": [ { "dimension": { "length": 35.6, "width": 45.6, "height": 29 }, "weight": 32, "stackable": true } ] } }
"schema": {
"type": "object"
Enter AccessToken, it is mandatory in case of basic authentication.
200 OK
Get Inbound Shipment details
This API retrieves a shipment or list of shipments, based on the query parameters provided in the request.
Enter Client ID
Enter Client Secret
Enter AccessToken, it is mandatory in case of basic authentication.
Enter all the query parameters. Sample: createdTimestamp=gt|2016-09-21T14:30:59-05:00&responseFilter=All&pageLimit=5
200 OK
Update Inbound Shipment
This API updates an existing shipment within the fulfillment platform. If the shipment cannot be updated, the API call will return an error.
Enter Client Secret
Enter Client ID
shipment id as input parameter
{ "externalRefNumber": "32421-1314324-2131", "shipmentName": "FedEx Shipment01", "originFacility": { "facilityName": "My Location 1", "addressLine1": "100 Papercraft Avenue", "addressLine2": "Suite 100", "city": "Pittsburgh", "stateCode": "PA", "zipCode": "15238", "countryCode": "US", "contactName": "John Smith", "contactPhoneCountryCode": "+1", "contactPhone": "2132331222", "contactEmailAddress": "" }, "destinationFacility": { "facilityCode": "HFY" }, "lpns": [ { "lpnType": "C", "lpnName": "Case 1", "numberOfLpns": 10, "customLpnIds": [], "dimension": { "length": 25.6, "width": 45.6, "height": 19 }, "weight": 12, "stackable": true, "lpnDetails": [ { "sku": "Fancy1", "quantity": 20, "batchLotNumber": "A131231", "expireDate": "2017-10-14", "purchaseOrderId": "324324214123421", "purchaseOrderLineItemId": "43532423432432" }, { "sku": "Fancy2", "quantity": 200, "batchlotNumber": null, "expireDate": null, "purchaseOrderId": "324324214123421", "purchaseOrderLineItemId": "43532423432433" } ] }, { "lpnType": "C", "lpnName": "Case 2", "numberOfLpns": 5, "customLpnIds": [ "00000999990000128970", "00000999990000128971", "00000999990000128972", "00000999990000128973", "00000999990000128974" ], "dimension": { "length": 25.6, "width": 45.6, "height": 19 }, "weight": 12, "stackable": true, "lpnDetails": [ { "sku": "Fancy1", "quantity": 500, "batchlotNumber": "A131231", "expireDate": "2017-10-15", "purchaseOrderNumber": "324324214123421", "purchaseOrderLineItemId": "43532423432434" } ] } ], "productLevelServices": [ { "sku": "Fancy1", "serviceLevelCode": "quality_audit_100" }, { "sku": "Fancy1", "serviceLevelCode": "bubble_wrap_small" }, { "sku": "Fancy2", "serviceLevelCode": "dust_bag_small" } ], "shipping": { "fedexManaged": false, "freightShipment": true, "expectedArrivalDate": "2017-07-15", "carrierName": "USPS", "contactName": "Walter White", "phoneCountryCode": "+1", "contactPhone": "2132331222", "trackingBOLNumbers": [ "134324324214242", "324231412342314" ], "pickupDate": "2017-11-01", "pickupStartTime": "11:01", "pickupEndTime": "21:30", "insidePickup": true, "liftGateAtPickup": true, "limitedAccess": false, "palletLpns": [ { "dimension": { "length": 35.6, "width": 45.6, "height": 29 }, "weight": 32, "stackable": true } ] } }
"schema": {
"type": "object"
200 OK
Cancel Inbound Shipment
This API cancels an existing inbound shipment by providing the shipment ID. The shipment can be canceled only when it has been already received by the fulfillment center.
Enter Client Secret
Enter Client ID
Enter ShipmentId
200 OK
Request Shipment Quote
This API requests a shipment quote for the inbound shipment. This currently supports shipment quotes for freight shipments. The call returns the carrier quotes for the shipment.
Enter Client Secret
Enter Client ID
Enter AccessToken, it is mandatory in case of basic authentication.
Enter all the query parameters
ENter shipment id
200 OK
Approve Shipment Quote
This API allows you to approve the shipment quote for the inbound shipment. This currently supports shipment quotes for freight shipments. The call returns the status of the transactions. Inbound shipment status will also be updated after the quote is approved.
Enter Client Secret
Enter Client ID
Enter AccessToken, it is mandatory in case of basic authentication.
Enther shipment id
sample Input message:- { "quoteId": "139041", "optionId": "413641" }
"schema": {
"type": "object"
200 OK
Enter Client ID
Enter Client Secret
shipment id as input parameter
{ "fedexManaged": true, "freightShipping": true, "expectedArrivalDate": "2017-07-15", "carrierName": "FedEx", "contactName": "Walter White", "phoneCountryCode": "+1", "contactPhone": "2313223444", "trackingBOLNumbers": [ "13432432421", "324231412342314" ], "pickupDate": "2017-06-20", "pickupStartTime": "18:00", "pickupEndTime": "23:50", "insidePickup": true, "liftGateAtPickup": false, "limitedAccess": false }
"schema": {
"type": "object"
200 OK