Available APIs
Authentication - OAuth2.0
Inbound Shipments
Get Inbound Shipment
This API retrieves a shipment or list of shipments, based on the query parameters provided in the request.
swagger: '2.0'
x-ibm-name: inboundShipments
title: InboundShipments
version: 1.0.0
description: 'The Inbound Shipments API provides the capability of creating a new shipment, updating a shipment, canceling a shipment and getting a list of shipments or a specific shipment. Once the shipment is created in the system, it will be processed and sent to the warehouse to provide notice to the operations team.'
- https
host: $(catalog.host)
basePath: /v1
- application/json
- application/json
- fsc-api-admin@fedex.com
type: apiKey
description: Enter Client Secret
in: header
name: X-IBM-Client-Secret
type: oauth2
description: ''
flow: accessCode
Fulfillment_Returns: "Read/Write access to Orders, Items, RMAs, Inventory,ASN and 1.1\tInbound Shipments objects"
authorizationUrl: 'https://<.........................>/fsc/oauth2/authorize'
tokenUrl: 'https://<.........................>/fsc/oauth2/token'
type: apiKey
in: header
name: X-IBM-Client-Id
description: Enter Client ID
- Client_Id: []
- Fulfillment_Returns
Client_Secret: []
testable: true
enforced: true
description: 200 OK
summary: Get Inbound Shipment details
- name: AccessToken
type: string
required: false
in: header
description: 'Enter AccessToken, it is mandatory in case of basic authentication.'
- name: query_params
type: string
required: true
in: query
description: 'Enter all the query parameters. Sample: createdTimestamp=gt|2016-09-21T14:30:59-05:00&responseFilter=All&pageLimit=5'
- oauth2:
- Fulfillment_Returns
- Client_Id: []
Client_Secret: []
- application/json
description: 'This API retrieves a shipment or list of shipments, based on the query parameters provided in the request.'
Sample Request
• Retrieve shipment details using shipmentId.
https://<........>/api/v1/inboundShipments?shipmentId=0001-062417-001,0001-062417-002, 0001-062417-002,0001-062417-003,0001-062417-004
• Retrieve only basic shipment details of inbound shipment created on or after the time stamp provided.
https://<........>/api/v1/ inboundShipments?createdTimestamp=ge|2016-09-21T14:30:59-05:00&responseFilter=Basic
• Retrieve basic and Lpn details of inbound shipments that are either in In Transit or Receiving or Complete.
https://<........>/api/v1/ inboundShipments?orderStatus=In Transit,Receiving,Complete&responseFilter=Basic,Lpn
Sample Response
Success Response
"requestIdentifier": "01749ea2-4b8f-4f3d-a9dc-f0b862a3d72e",
"transactionDate": "2017-01-20T15:12:54-05:00",
"inboundShipments": [{
"shipmentId": "0001-063017-0001",
"shipmentName": "FedExShipment01",
"status": "Complete",
"externalRefNumber": "32421-1314324-2131",
"originFacility": {
"facilityName": "My Location 1",
"addressLine1": "100 Papercraft Avenue",
"addressLine2": "Suite 100",
"city": "Pittsburgh",
"stateCode": "PA",
"zipCode": "15238",
"countryCode": "US",
"contactName": "John Smith",
"contactPhoneCountryCode": "+1",
"contactPhone": "2132331222",
"contactEmailAddress": "origin.facility@gmail.com"
"destinationFacility": {
"facilityCode": "HFY"
"products": [{
"sku": "Fancy1",
"quantityShipped": 2700,
"quantityReceived": 2700
}, {
"sku": "Fancy2",
"quantityShipped": 2000,
"quantityReceived": 2000
"lpns": [{
"lpnType": "C",
"lpnName": "Case 1",
"numberOfLpns": 10,
"customLpnIds": [],
"dimension": {
"length": 35.6,
"width": 45.6,
"height": 29
"weight": 32,
"stackable": true,
"applyDeclaredValue": true,
"declaredValue": 125.60,
"lpnDetails": [{
"sku": "Fancy1",
"quantity": 20,
"batchLotNumber": "A131231",
"expireDate": "2017-10-14",
"purchaseOrderNumber": "324324214123421",
"purchaseOrderLineItemId": "45453513515465"
}, {
"sku": "Fancy2",
"quantity": 200,
"lotNumber": null,
"expireDate": null,
"purchaseOrderId": "324324214123421",
"purchaseOrderLineItemId": "45453513515466"
}, {
"lpnType": "C",
"lpnName": "Case 2",
"numberOfLpns": 5,
"customLpnIds": [
"dimension": {
"length": 35.6,
"width": 45.6,
"height": 29
"weight": 32,
"stackable": true,
"applyDeclaredValue": false,
"lpnDetails": [{
"sku": "Fancy1",
"quantity": 500,
"batchLotNumber": "A131231",
"expireDate": "2017-10-15",
"purchaseOrderId": "324324214123421",
"purchaseOrderLineItemId": "45453513515466"
"productLevelServices": {
"sku": "sku001",
"serviceLevelCode": "quality_audit_100",
"serviceLevelDescription": "Counting"
"shipping": {
"fedexManaged": false,
"fedexShipment": false,
"expectedArrivalDate": "2017-07-15",
"carrierName": "FedEx",
"contactName": "Walter White",
"phoneCountryCode": "+1",
"contactPhone": "2313223444",
"trackingBOLNumbers": [
"pickupDate": "2017-06-20",
"pickupStartTime": "18:00",
"pickupEndTime": "23:50",
"insidePickup": true,
"liftGateAtPickup": false,
"limitedAccess": false
"labels": [{
"documents": [{
"documentId": "1111",
"trackingNumber": "79405496348",
"documentType": "ShippingLabel"
}, {
"documentId": "1112",
"trackingNumber": "79405499810",
"documentType": "ShippingLabel"
}, {
"documentId": "1113",
"documentType": "PackageLabel"
}, {
"documentId": "1114",
"documentType": "PackageLabel"
}, {
"documentId": "1115",
"documentType": "PackageLabel"
"packingSlip": [{
"id": "124345346",
"content": "<…BASE64 CONTENT…>"
}, {
"shipmentId": "0001-063017-0002",
"shipmentName": "FedExShipment02",
"status": "In Transit",
"externalRefNumber": "44421-1314324-2009",
"originFacility": {
"facilityName": "My Location 1",
"addressLine1": "100 Papercraft Avenue",
"addressLine2": "Suite 100",
"city": "Pittsburgh",
"stateCode": "PA",
"zipCode": "15238",
"countryCode": "US",
"contactName": "John Smith",
"contactPhoneCountryCode": "+1",
"contactPhone": "2132331222",
"contactEmailAddress": "origin.facility@gmail.com"
"destinationFacility": {
"facilityCode": "HFY"
"products": [{
"sku": "Fancy1",
"quantityShipped": 2700,
"quantityReceived": null
}, {
"sku": "Fancy2",
"quantityShipped": 2000,
"quantityReceived": null
"lpns": [{
"lpnType": "P",
"lpnName": "Pallet 1",
"numberOfLpns": 10,
"customLpnIds": [],
"dimension": {
"length": 35.6,
"width": 45.6,
"height": 29
"weight": 12,
"stackable": true,
"lpnDetails": [{
"sku": "Fancy1",
"quantity": 20,
"batchLotNumber": "A131231",
"expireDate": "2017-10-14",
"purchaseOrderId": "324324214123421",
"purchaseOrderLineItemId": "324324214123421"
}, {
"sku": "Fancy2",
"quantity": 200,
"lotNumber": null,
"expirationDate": null,
"purchaseOrderNumber": "324324214123421",
"purchaseOrderLineItemId": "324324214123421"
}, {
"lpnType": "P",
"lpnName": "Pallet 2",
"numberOfLpns": 5,
"customLpnIds": [
"dimension": {
"length": 35.6,
"width": 45.6,
"height": 19
"weight": 12,
"stackable": true,
"lpnDetails": [{
"sku": "Fancy1",
"quantity": 500,
"lotNumber": "A131231",
"expirationDate": "2017-10-15",
"purchaseOrderNumber": "324324214123421",
"purchaseOrderLineItemId": "324324214123421"
"productLevelServices": [{
"sku": "Fancy1",
"serviceLevelCode": "quality_audit_100",
"serviceLevelDescription": "Counting"
}, {
"sku": "Fancy1",
"serviceLevelCode": "dust_bag_medium",
"serviceLevelDescription": "Dust bag - medium"
}, {
"sku": "Fancy2",
"serviceLevelCode": "dust_bag_large",
"serviceLevelDescription": "Dust bag - large"
"shipping": {
"fedexManaged": true,
"freightShipment": true,
"expectedArrivalDate": "2017-07-15",
"transportation": "carrier",
"carrierSCAC": "FEDX",
"trackingBOLNumbers": [
"pickupDate": "2017-11-01",
"pickupStartTime": "11:01",
"pickupEndTime": "21:30",
"insidePickup": true,
"liftGateAtPickup": true,
"limitedAccess": false
"labels": [{
"documents": [{
"documentId": "1212",
"documentType": "PackageLabel"
}, {
"documentId": "1213",
"documentType": "PackageLabel"
"packingSlip": [{
"id": "124345346",
"content": "<…BASE64 CONTENT…>"
"billOfLading": [{
"id": "121312",
"content": "<…BASE64 CONTENT…>"
"paging": {
"previous": "https://<..........>/api/v1/inboundShipments?pageLimit=25&status=Complete&offset=0",
"next": "https://<..........>/api/v1/inboundShipments?pageLimit=25&status=Complete&offset=25"
Sample Error Response
Error Response
"requestIdentifier": "01749ea2-4b8f-4f3d-a9dc-f0b862a3d72e",
"transactionDate": "2017-01-20T15:12:54-05:00",
"success": false,
"errors": [
"code": "ERR-SYS-0001",
"description": "Your request cannot be processed due to a system error."
OAuth 2.0
HTTP Headers | Description |
Authorization | You must always provide the access token for authorization to access the API. HTTP-Header Value Authorization Bearer accessToken |
Origin | Origin URL. HTTP-Header Value Origin domain.com |
Query Parameters
Parameter | Data Type | Description | Multiple values allowed | Required |
shipmentId | String | FedEx shipment ID. This parameter allows up to 25 shipment IDs. | Y | N |
externalRefNumber | String | External reference number. This parameter allows up to 25 reference numbers. | N | N |
status | String | Status of the shipment. Valid Values: Error, Planned, In Transit, Receiving, Complete, Canceled. | Y | N |
createdTimestamp | String | Time stamp(ISO8601 format) created by orders preceded by condition type delimited by pipe symbol. Format:ge|2016-09-21T14:30:59-05:0 Valid values for condition type: gt, lt, eq, ge, le. • gt (greater than) • lt (less than) • eq (equal to) • ge (greater than equal to) • le (less than equal to) |
N | N |
lastUpdatedTimestamp | String | Last updated time stamp (ISO8601 format) preceded by condition type delimited by pipe symbol. Format: ge|2016-09-21T14:30:59-05:00 Valid values for condition type: gt, lt, eq, ge, le. • gt (greater than) • lt (less than) • eq (equal to) • ge (greater than equal to) • le (less than equal to) |
N | N |
responseFilter | String | Default is All. Basic fields will be returned for all the response filters. Valid Values: All, Basic, Lpn, Services, Shipping, Labels, BOL, PackingSlip. |
Y | N |
pageLimit | Number | The number of records to be retrieved in each page. Valid Values: 1 to 100. Default is 50. | N | N |
offset | Number | Offset value to be passed to retrieve the previous/next page. Not applicable for initial request. | N | N |
Response Attribute
Parameter | Data Type | Description | Filter Type |
requestIdentifier | String | Request identifier | Basic |
transactionDate | String | Transaction date/time | Basic |
inboundShipments[] | |||
shipmentId | String | Identifier of the shipment. | Basic |
shipmentName | String | Shipment name provided while creating shipment. | Basic |
status | String(Alphanumeric) | Status of the shipment. | Basic |
externalRefNumber | String | External reference number for the shipment. | Basic |
inboundShipments[].originFacility | |||
facilityName | String | Origin facility name. | Basic |
addressLine1 | String | Origin facility – address line 1. | Basic |
addressLine2 | String | Origin facility – address line 2. | Basic |
city | String | Origin facility – city name. | Basic |
stateCode | String | Origin facility – state code. | Basic |
zipCode | String | Origin facility – ZIP code. | Basic |
countryCode | String | Origin facility – ISO country code. | Basic |
contactName | String | Origin facility – contact name. | Basic |
contactPhoneCountryCode | String | Origin facility - country code for the contact phone number. Default is +1 (US/Canada). Mandatory if the facility name does not exist in the fulfillment platform. |
Basic |
contactPhone | String | Origin facility – contact phone number. Mandatory if the facility name does not exist in the fulfillment platform. |
Basic |
contactEmailAddress | String | Origin facility – contact email address. Mandatory if the facility name does not exist in the fulfillment platform. |
Basic |
inboundShipments[].destinationFacility | |||
facilityCode | String | Destination facility code where the shipment is sent. | Basic |
inboundShipments[].products[] | |||
sku | String | Item SKU in the shipment. | Lpn |
quantityShipped | Number | Item quantity sent in the shipment. | Lpn |
quantityReceived | Number | Item quantity received in the shipment. | Lpn |
inboundShipments[].lpns[] | |||
lpnType | String | Type of the container – Case or Pallet. | Lpn |
lpnName | String | Name of the container assigned by the user. | Lpn |
numberOfLpns | Number | Number of containers with the same contents. | Lpn |
customLpnIds[] | String | Custom container IDs assigned by the user. | Lpn |
weight | Number | Weight of the container. | Lpn |
stackable | Boolean | Indicates whether pallets are stackable. | Lpn |
applyDeclaredValue | Boolean | Indicates whether declated value should be applied to the lpn. | Lpn |
declaredValue | Number | Declared value of the lpn. | Lpn |
length | Number | Length of the container. | Lpn |
width | Number | Width of the container. | Lpn |
height | Number | Height of the container. | Lpn |
inboundShipments[].lpns[].lpnDetails[] | |||
sku | String | Item SKU associated with the container. | Lpn |
quantity | Number | Item quantity per container. | Lpn |
batchLotNumber | String | Batch Lot number associated with the item. | Lpn |
expireDate | String | Expiration date of the item. | Lpn |
purchaseOrderId | String | Purchase order ID. | Lpn |
purchaseOrderLineItemId | String | Purchase order line Item ID. | Lpn |
inboundShipments[].productLevelServices[] | |||
sku | String | Stock keeping unit (SKU) of the item. | Services |
serviceLevelCode | String | Service level to be performed for the item – refer to service level table. | Services |
serviceLevelDescription | String | Service level description. | Services |
inboundShipments[].shipping | |||
fedexManaged | Boolean | Indicates whether shipment is managed by FedEx or third-party carrier. | Shipping |
freightShipment | Boolean | Indicates whether this is a freight shipment. | Shipping |
expectedArrivalDate | String | Indicates whether this is a freight shipment. | Shipping |
transportation | String | Tranportation entity – carrier or broker. | Shipping |
carrierSCAC | Inbound carrier SCAC handling the shipment. | Shipping | |
brokerName | Inbound broker Name handling the shipment | Shipping | |
carrierName | String | Inbound carrier handling the shipment. | Shipping |
contactName | String | Contact name for the carrier. | Shipping |
phoneCountryCode | String | Country code for the phone number. | Shipping |
contactPhone | String | Contact name for the carrier. | Shipping |
trackingBOLNumbers[] | String | Tracking number or BOL number to track the shipment. | Shipping |
pickupDate | String | Shipment pickup date. | Shipping |
pickupStartTime | String | Shipment pickup start time. | Shipping |
pickupEndTime | String | Shipment pickup end time. | Shipping |
insidePickup | Boolean | Handling freight at positions not immediately adjacent to vehicle. | Shipping |
liftGateAtPickup | Boolean | Pick-up using liftgate equipment. | Shipping |
limitedAccess | Boolean | To include construction sites, schools, churches, military bases. | Shipping |
inboundShipments[].shipping.palletLpns[] | |||
weight | Number | Weight of the container. | Shipping |
stackable | Boolean | Indicates whether pallets are stackable. | Shipping |
inboundShipments[].shipping.palletLpns[].dimension | |||
length | Number | Length of the container. | Shipping |
width | Number | Width of the container. | Shipping |
height | Number | Height of the container. | Shipping |
inboundShipments[].labels[].documents[] | |||
documentId | String | ID associated with the document. | Labels |
trackingNumber | String | Tracking number associated with the document. This is applicable only for shipping labels. |
Labels |
documentType | String | Type of document associated with the ID. Values returned: ShippingLabel PackageLabel |
Labels |
inboundShipments[].packingSlip[] | |||
id | String | ID associated with packing slip document. | PackingSlip |
content | String | Base64 encoded string of packing slip PDF file. | PackingSlip |
inboundShipments[].billOfLading[] | |||
id | String | ID associated with bill of lading document. | BOL |
content | String | Base64 encoded string of BOL PDF file. | BOL |
paging | |||
previous | String | Link to retrieve the previous page (if applicable) | |
next | String | Link to retrieve the next page (if applicable) | |
errors[] | |||
code | String | Code associated with the error | |
description | String | Description of the error |
HTTP Status Code
Code | Description |
200 | OK - HTTP Response for successfully processed requests |
400 | Bad Request. |
403 | Forbidden |
404 | Not Found - Server couldn’t find anything matching request URI |
500 | Internal Server Error – Unable to process the request |
Error Code
Code | Description |
ERR-SYS-0001 | Your request cannot be processed due to a system error. |
ERR-CMR-0001 | Input data validation failed. |
ERR-CMR-0002 | Authentication Failed. Invalid Access Token. |
ERR-CMR-0003 | Missing mandatory fields. |
ERR-ASN-0005 | Shipment is received by the warehouse and cannot be updated |
ERR-ASN-0006 | Invalid Origin facility name |
ERR-ASN-0007 | Origin facility name does not exist |
ERR-ASN-0008 | Invalid Origin address line 1 value |
ERR-ASN-0009 | Invalid Origin city value |
ERR-ASN-0010 | Invalid Origin state code |
ERR-ASN-0011 | Invalid Origin postal code |
ERR-ASN-0012 | Invalid Origin country code |
ERR-ASN-0013 | Invalid destination facility code |
ERR-ASN-0016 | Invalid Lpn type value <Lpn type> |
ERR-ASN-0017 | Invalid number of LPNs value |
ERR-ASN-0018 | Quantity of custom LPN IDs does not match number of LPNs (<Number of LPNs>) |
ERR-ASN-0019 | Invalid length value |
ERR-ASN-0020 | Invalid width value |
ERR-ASN-0021 | Invalid height value |
ERR-ASN-0022 | Invalid weight value |
ERR-ASN-002 | <Field name> - Value must be true or false |
ERR-ASN-0024 | Product <SKU> is not recognized in the Product Catalog |
ERR-ASN-0025 | Invalid quantity |
ERR-ASN-0026 | Invalid expiration date: <Expiration date> |
ERR-ASN-0027 | Expiration date is required for the product <SKU> |
ERR-ASN-0028 | Expiration date <Expiration date> cannot be less than current date |
ERR-ASN-0029 | Invalid service level <service level code> |
ERR-ASN-0030 | Invalid Item SKU |
ERR-ASN-0031 | Product <SKU> does not exist in LpnDetail record |
ERR-ASN-0032 | When shipping internationally, please ship with third party service |
ERR-ASN-0033 | Invalid Expected arrival date <Expected arrival date> |
ERR-ASN-0034 | Expected arrival date <Expected arrival date> cannot be less than current date |
ERR-ASN-0035 | Invalid Inbound carrier name |
ERR-ASN-0036 | Invalid Contact name |
ERR-ASN-0037 | Invalid Phone number |
ERR-ASN-0038 | Invalid Pickup date |
ERR-ASN-0039 | Invalid Pickup start time |
ERR-ASN-0040 | Pickup start time should be less than end time |
ERR-ASN-0041 | Invalid Pickup end time |
ERR-ASN-0042 | Multiple Lpn type values found |
ERR-ASN-0043 | Inbound shipment already exists |
ERR-ASN-0044 | Update failed because inbound shipment status does not allow updates |
ERR-ASN-0045 | Shipping section cannot be empty for this inbound shipment |
ERR-ASN-0046 | Inbound shipment does not exist |
ERR-ASN-0047 | Connection is inactive |
ERR-ASN-0048 | There is an address error on your origin facility |
ERR-ASN-0049 | Shipping information is missing for this inbound shipment |
ERR-ASN-0051 | Pallet information is missing |
ERR-ASN-0052 | Rates cannot be retrieved due to invalid shipment status |
ERR-ASN-0053 | Required fields are missing |
ERR-ASN-0054 | Bill of Lading document is not generated at this time. Please try after some time. |
ERR-ASN-0055 | Lot number provided for a product which has Batch/Lot not enabled |
ERR-ASN-0056 | Invalid Origin Contact Name |
ERR-ASN-0057 | Invalid Origin Contact Phone number |
ERR-ASN-0058 | Invalid Email address format |
ERR-ASN-0059 | Invalid Quote ID |
ERR-ASN-0060 | Quote already approved |
ERR-ASN-0061 | Destination facility cannot be updated |
ERR-ASN-0062 | Declared value cannot be provided when applyDeclaredValue is not true |
ERR-ASN-0063 | Invalid declared value |
ERR-ASN-0064 | Declared value cannot be more then $50,000 |
ERR-ASN-0065 | Invalid transportation |
ERR-ASN-0066 | Invalid Broker Name |
ERR-ASN-0067 | ASN required field transportation is missing |
ERR-ASN-0068 | ASN required field carrierSCAC is missing |
ERR-ASN-0069 | ASN required field brokerName is missing |
ERR-ASN-0070 | Carrier SCAC not found |
ERR-ASN-0071 | Broker Organization not found |
ERR-ASN-0072 | Destination facility is not active for this retailer |
ERR-MAC-0001 | This transaction is not authorized at master account |
ERR-MAC-0002 | Required marketplaceRetailerId is missing in the request header |
ERR-MAC-0003 | The marketplaceRetailerId is not associated with the retailer Id |